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帆船之都-青岛 标志设计



城市品牌设计 入选奖


2008年青岛作为北京奥运会奥帆赛举办地。青岛市政府新闻办公室面向全球华人开展了有奖征集“帆船之都”徽标活动。传大优浦作品经过专家和市民投票的层层筛选,从1503幅作品中脱颖而出,荣获第六名。 标志以简单的笔触和单纯的颜色描绘了青岛的碧海、蓝天和白帆。本标志设计简单自然,赏心悦目,视觉冲击力强。传大优浦创始人在2004年参与此活动,荣获入选奖。

The Information Office of the Qingdao City Hall for the global Chinese carried out the contest "of caique" logo activities. Creatup excellent works by experts and the public vote of layers of screening, talent showing itself from the 1503 works, won the sixth place. The logo by the simple strokes and simple colors depicting Qingdao blue sea, blue sky and white sails. This logo design is simple and natural, be good to hear or see, strong visual impact. We provide logo design, VI design services related to success for Qingdao.